Today, in an act of temporary insanity I pushed the button on my remote control that has led me to the channel 24.9, is something like hell on earth, a Channel 9 of 24 hour news. And I say news in italics because we know that the news is sweetened, colored, modified, manipulated, always in favor of the Government of the Generalitat. As should be, ché.
Well, he was about to change the channel before any cable saturation burn my brain when I read the label information appearing under a man with a mic in front of his face, "Valencian Parliament: Session control", and another that has been really motivated me to not change the channel: "DIRECT." A control session Camps this! And live! Before canalñou errands cut back and stick together to make a speech molónpropepero had to see.
The man who was with the micro was the deputy country Compromís pel valencià, Enric Morera and to Francisco Camps was asking what he would do if re-opened the trial of the case Gürtel (the same one that ended his friend's soul la Rua), we thought that if you resign or if he would go through with his face as usual. Total typical role of the opposition in a Control session of the Cortes, try to wear down the government with parliamentary questions to which the executive must answer.
rose Camps lame and air, will respond, because it is in the courts, not in the street to avoid those red and inconvenient journalists sent by the devil himself (the non-canalnou) and those who can not answer (something that has experienced ). He approaches the microphone and makes a sneer. No, wait, take her before.
Raise your hands, palms down and begins to release a speech that he knows that will make the day 19 (or 18 or 20 ...) but knows that tomorrow will digoestoparaquesalgaencanalnou-time - work for the community Valencia. Applause and shouts of pleasure and orgasmic moans from the seats of the seats popular. Jeers and lift their arms in a gesture of protest from the seats (much fewer) of commitment.
But there's more. Start the counterattack. Because it will work but, "Without you" as have been so, always "without you." And that "we have enough to listen here" (oh yes, who are elected by the people not to be there are legitimate nuisance, man.)
Camps sits between pat on the shoulder of his colleagues. I wish I had a ball glass to see how many of those will give you pats on the shoulder when the president is sitting on the bench.
. Because there is more.
rose by another member of commitment and repeats the question followed by a somewhat convoluted reading of some decrees, laws and judgments. When finished Camps says a brief "I have not understood" and sits down again.
again begs the question. Yes, here it is put egg. I have been studying law, I have not heard much.
rose another commitment, before he raised his arms indignantly, and she clearly says "if you sit on the bench will resign or not?" Well, a little longer and seasoned with a little labia policy. Camps can no longer say you have not understood, we have understood all.
is the time to answer. They are in the control session, the constitution itself the expected as session that prompted the government to account. The legislature, the camera where the sovereignty popular, elected by the people called to account the executive, which makes all those decisions. You have to answer.
But the television camera of the label "direct" will not focus, continues to focus on the commitment, whose face is drawn outrage. A voice is heard, but not the de Camps.
is that of a colleague, who sits beside him. The terms of turn. And he answers, but does not answer the question, answer the attack. "I want to know what you will do when the people of Valencia and will not vote and do not return to be here."
Laughter from the popular "fuck how good you are male, those red peten them." They do not say but they are guesses. The pickle freak commitment because this time has not even deigned to speak questioned. Did not even have enough talent to get out again on a tangent. Camps may send you a letter suggesting more elusive answers worthy of the courts that have. Something like bounces and bounces and explodes in your face. "
Silence. Camps gets up and goes (more pats).
has already done enough.
I turn off the television, I think something bad has made me breakfast.
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