In case you did not have enough with censorship of the exhibition in Granada which featured a gay Jesus Christ (more info here in which I strongly recommend reading the comments, humor guaranteed), which in theory was made for fear of threats received by the artist Fernando Bayona were met ("preventive censorship? wtf?) and of course, aroused the indignation of many (as well as the silence of many others), now we have no censorship, but this time in Valencia .
La Unió of Journalists del Pais Valencià, and photojournalists in particular, have been this time the victims of this attack on freedom of expression, namely a fragment of the exhibition Fragments d'un and Stock 2009. What this fragment was capable of causing the censorship in a democratic country like ours? A cartoon of Muhammad this time? A photo of the king in which flames faller symbol? No! Much worse were the case gürtel Photos (chan chan chaaaaan).
Why have censored some pictures related to current year 2009? The reasons : "an internal decision of the area of \u200b\u200bculture." Wow. Furthermore, the council said the decision to remove the photos (including Camps and Ricardo Costa) had been taken by consensus with the director of the Rome Muvim Street. However, yesterday resigned De la Calle, and said that decision had never been agreed and rejected the veto.
most have resigned? Did you say something? Are there already guilty of this aberration?
The Rita, of course, it does say something, but rather in reference to the decision of the Unió of Journalists of exposure and remove all censorship complaint, stating that "When you commit, you should keep exposure" and defended freedom of expression and said something that is sometimes forgotten: If anyone was harmed by these pictures, the place you should go is to the courts, and never, ever , censor the show, that's up to the judge. Is there a judge who has taken this decision? No.
Freedom of expression. Nice words, right? Well, wearing a pair of hosts either given, or if you want I can put it more poetically: the gag that has been double-covered tight. "We wanted freedom of expression and no censorship after the grenade? For this and go two, take it! right "Article 20 of the EC ? What article? What Constitution? Nonsense!
is a disgrace, an insult to our intelligence, a kick in the freedom of all citizens, a shot at democracy, an affront to the constitution, a gag on the words, but above all, above all, what is one of stupidity. Because if they did not want to talk about this exhibition and the case Gürtel, now, gentlemen censors hidden in shadow that is on every cover.
They wanted censorship? They wanted to silence? Well, take two cups.
where photos are censored (by the way, the second sound familiar?):
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