Friday, March 4, 2011

Poptropica Trouble Connecting To The Database

Adios Marta

There are times when life was overcast, it's cold and you suddenly entangled the soul, though your eyes blur with tears threatening rain not only salt but the cheeks reaching sour womb.
I never knew Martha, I had the pleasure to interact with her in person, we agreed on the blogosphere in club, this is now tinged with grief and filled with sighs of absence. Also passing by, leaving in its wake in this that was his home, but I wonder ...
... "As we say goodbye if we have not really been said or hello? ...
Still his loss hurts, it hurts the pain, grieve, feel the void left in the beings with whom he shared his life, who loved and miss in every breath of the day.
This is when I envy those who are able to write with ink comfort to me not think of anything to mitigate, monitor and fire.
I left you a song, a hug and my kisses.


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