Sunday, February 27, 2011

Woman Masterbation Ideas

Relevos Blogueros. 2

bloglera A companion to creativity attached to its name, CreatiBea , has proposed writing a collective history and has started on your blog Vinividivinvi . You spend has occurred the witness to continue to me ....
... you it has thought it Bea? ...
Thankfully it has also been given to another partner and so the story will take two divergent paths.
Jokes aside, I have to admit I loved the idea.
The story comes to this house and continue along a single path. The rules are simple:
- Write a minimum of 5 lines and a maximum of 20, made it pass the baton to a buddy of your choice who will continue a new chapter, (must be numbered), then pass it to another and and up to maximum 20 blogler. When you reach the 20 will last. He will take care to give a final outcome.
Ah! I forgot: it is important to quote, bind and number of contributions to understanding the history, clearly and concisely explaining that this is going, (not me if I did it)
If a nominee can not or do not want to participate should notify to elect another.
said, the story begins HERE ...
... He continued:

2. Typing your password life dull and disappointing passed into the background, goes dormant during the time they became Ishtar, a hacker of ambiguous morality, keen to collect computer security holes.

After the "incident" responsible for their completion, honed his programming skills and was introduced into this underworld. Remember your first assault: the personal computer of his psychiatrist, wanted to browse your file, to understand what was happening through the lens of the professional was, discovered what aggravated his condition. Retaliated by publishing their security passwords for the first time in a long time felt good. Found that their ethical barriers as severe once had been blurred and wanted to experience something bigger. Since then break into systems became as important as the CNI, NASA, or the web EU in the ZP that changed the picture by "Mr. Bean", during the English presidency, just for fun. He earned respect and a few colleagues with whom he shared his hours without your physical body.

That night the forum was boiling, a company dedicated to the pharmaceutical / cosmetic looking for the best network hacker. It was rumored on a revolutionary discovery y. ..

- Click! -

Well now I would like you to continue, TACH, TACH!: Marisa Vegas on your precious blog The Mirror of the Moon , , if you accept friend, I look forward to the next chapter.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Radio Cb President Jimmy

La llave de Sarah

awoke with a start, drenched in sweat and unable to breathe. He fixed his eyes on the ceiling of the room trying to erase the images of his mind, the nightmares were gone and with them sleepless nights.
look at the clock on the bedside table and found that it had by the sun rose I knew his light did not help to blur the memories, those who carried him over and over again until the summer of 42 .
many years ago could not contain his feelings in that dark room where he had his mind locked. Retained behind the barricade of duty and the fulfillment of orders.
was not sure which was the trigger. What key opened the lock on those dusty rooms of his memory.
At first came the smell began to notice a slight smell of overcrowding in their clothes, thinking it would fade washed but not got it. The smell permeated so what is learned to live with and l.
Later came thirst, dry throat felt constantly, drank gallons of water but failed to satisfy it, it was as if the liquid is evaporated by contact with his lips and swallowed, there is not ever.
C ONSULTATION doctors and specialists but they found no wrong in his body, was healthy, everything was a product of his mind.
permeated awoke one night sweat and dry mouth, your throat is dry which is never closed and I could not breathe. It was then when he saw them, saw those frightened eyes recorded in the retina of his soul. A shiver ran through his body while his mind penetrated unstoppable in that chamber closed for so long.
Since then his days were filled with memories, those who remained imprisoned so many years in a desperate attempt to erode with forgetting. He failed and returned that night after night Winter Velodrome and the raid, as French gendarme, made that morning.
When woke, as now, kept hearing the cries, feel the fear, relishing the uncertainty of those thousands of Jews to which custody for the five darkest days of the history of his country.
With the guilt and remorse attached to his intestines and again asked if the girl who begged him to take a key screams would have survived, but sadly not always thought to survive is a prize sometimes becomes a conviction.
Story inspired by the movie The key to Sarah directed by Gilles Paquet-Brenner and based on a bestseller by Tatiana Rosnay
is the first time that a movie takes me to a book

Eah! be bad it's more fun

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What To Write In Wedding Card?

Si, San Valentin lo sabía y no dijo nada.

not take it anymore!, Both sweetheart, winged infant diapers shooting flechas, bombones y pétalos de flores decorando el ambiente están provocando en mi un impulso homicida por sobredosis de azúcar.
Es que no se puede aguantar este ambiente almibarado que lo deja todo de un pringoso capaz de hacerte resbalar y contagiarte de tal forma que terminas recortando cartulinas de colores, dibujando con rotuladores fosforitos y purpurina un “de mi para ti con todo mi amor”. ¡¡Puafff!!. 
Cuando la ciencia descubrió la importancia de las hormonas en las relaciones de pareja pensé que todo esto tenía los días contados, pero no, el estafador ese still gives its last legs. Do not hide, if I speak to you, muscle cone, pretentious and fake.
seeing were supposed to open in your vile deception, were going to withdraw and let the brain take his place, that's it I've banished along history.
I have believed illustrious, famous or higher as the engine of the blood pumping and you've dedicated to attribute functions that do not belong. So find out once and fraud, Love has never been your concern Heart, atrial and ventricular phone cameras only are receiving and distributing to re-oxygenate the blood plasma does not move the feelings.
Sorry it's about time someone put you in your place and let everyone know, this is brain "Capo di tutti capi", yes, yes, is really important in this case.
Because let's see, who is in charge of important drugs, eh?. Who distributes and supplies the necessary and perfect chute oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin and adrenaline for love there ...
... Aha ...
...¡vez!, estas pillado, contra eso no hay quien compita. 
No te pongas gallito y me amenaces con infartos, embolias o paradas espontáneas el papel sufrido flemático no te va, se de buena tinta que cuando te emocionas, cabalgas desbocado, tu victimismo no cuela. 
Pero que bajo has caído hacer creer a los sentimientos que están bajo tu mando, no se puede ser más rastrero.
Pero vete preparándote, se te está acabando el rollo, your reign will end soon. I you I was looking for a good lawyer because you rain down demands for forgery and fraud.
Around Throw in the loss of image multimillion-dollar contracts, the breakdown of that corporation with the kid that the arrow another bluff like you.
Ultimately, you're just a Mandaa, I just hope that more intelligent brain but now I think, surrounded by such drug is not me ...
Eah! be bad it's more fun

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Alias 2 Vibrate Settin


A year ago it was raining, not that gentle and quiet manner that relaxes the body and invites you to sit before a large window to watch the passage of the drops in the crystals under cover of a book a fireplace and a hot tea. NO!, Pouring rain with a high dose of bad milk. Fell as much water as rivers, creeks and streams in southern Spain are on strike because of overwork.
The roof of my house with gallons of veteran, left his subordinate Moorish tiles are experts in putting down the dog days of summer Seville, in a way that was the mine, very bad indeed. Thus, came a moment when the rain conquered much, if not all, the domestic territory of my home.
could not do anything, moisture, I snuck into the bones and soul and brought with her discouragement. This is allied with sadness in my heart since installed a few months before I had to say goodbye to that hairy for 14 years was for me, friend, daughter, finally, FRIEND. So my tears mingled with raindrops, and my refuge were the letters, as have been all my life.
Look in the drawers of my past ancient bygone dreams kept in binders labeled as impossible, and fancied the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible. With much respect dusted off my old pen, shook and I fear my alter ego allied with 40añera to that for 4 years was relegated to reading Internet. There was no treatment, or conditions for the alliance, the two decided she would be who gets the credit and criticism I, the best fit.
The February 9, 2010-armed the ship with great enthusiasm, desire, hope as a compass and set sail on this journey blogger. In principle, ignorance was our most loyal companion, also had stowaways on board, a very modest misspellings fractious rebels and still today when I look at me cause embarrassment. It could eliminate them, but not as do not lose what I felt at that time.
They are fractions of Miryam, that which engulfs 40añera and refuses to leave. Make up part of the essence of a woman 45 years now, my God how old I am!, Dyslexia, confused, dreamy, something lonely and lover of life., although this should undertake to put it difficult at times.
Fui "One More" in this ocean surfer with no charts to guide me, unaware of the stars of the sky by which moved me but some were, are and will be so bright they illuminated my path and guided my journey. Those stars are you, people whose combined letters gave me: poems, stories, opinions, criticisms or personal experiences. Those who have taught me your art, pictures, recipes and songs, in short, many felt so freely shared.
Many have landed in the ports of their lives, but others follow me accompanied on this trip that I hope lasts a long time because it is still fun, engaging, informative and very enjoyable.
So: Are we ?....
think .... yes. Eah take a tea with me!.

Eah! be bad it's more fun