Monday, January 31, 2011

Gameshark De C Pokemon Chaos Black

¡¡300, toma ya, soy Leónidas!!

300 , I can not "decrease" are 300 !
Like those brave Leonidas Greek hoplites in the battle of Thermopylae. Although I have no very clear if I've chosen a good analogy.
one hand it is clear that something had to be over 300, but historians at this point do not become strongly agree, some say that if 4000, other than 6000, so we do not get picky with a hoplite take away there and round at 300.
Moreover, not clarified very well if the king of Sparta, Leonidas this was a lights, military strategist, fearless and combative with his 300 brave Spartans defended their land back in the 480 a. C. the invasion of the Persians, or rather, an arrogant, mouthy, and garrulous blowhard who liked to be in the picture and did not know to stay quiet.
Expose facts:
According to historians the big boy V century was accompanied by so few soldiers as go-between when the oracle of the gods, prophesied to the Greek states overcome a war only with the death of a king crowing; (read Leonidas) was not creeping, noo!, jump swashbuckling bravado: "For myself" and there it was.
But for me that it erred in the calculation, because surely have thought the whole army of the alliance of Greek poleis Tururú!, Was left with a handful of nothing as the bulk of the troops were on a spree . As I tell you, is that they had gone to the celebration of the feasts of meat that took place between the 7th and 17th month of butchering, or early Metagitnion penthouse, so to speak, the end of August In early September, moon up, moon down.
This shindig should last for nine days with their respective hangovers and were enforceable. Also during this period could not perform any military campaign since Apollo, but it was well hidden so that her father did not Zeus mosques, was a hippie type "Flower power" of those to make love not war, and King postinero clear I am more drawn to a cigarette at the door of a bar.
They say that would not shut up or under the water and between us, it was a little touched noses, note that when the hosts of Xerxes, which sites require surrender their weapons and without thinking twice said, "Come and seek" and of course, the other emberenchinado was.
Five days had 300 give those poor struggling hit you in that way. It says it was so narrow that the Persians were lined up to attack and clear the Spartans, went to the knife, I say, well anyone!
To all these, the Big Mouth / Leone, By now he has earned the nickname, when he had three days of battle is not quite sure whether or pissed emboldened not be blowing in meat mead gave for sending some of their boys home to eat a good breakfast since Dinner is expected to warm.
Fixed it was a whim, that nobility is this time was somewhat capricious, surely wanting rose churros with chocolate, they say in Sparta made them very good. Like I said, sent home for breakfast the bulk of its troops and leave the checkpoint a few at the rear. The gossips say that when the Persians saw this out of legs. Actually what happened was that he caught a rebound important that they were locked without churros.
short what happened was: they came from behind and gave them, hehe ...
... bad thought!, Would mean death, or killed them, they are charged to toditos.
I said at first that this example would be the most appropriate venue for 300 followers of the blog, but if we think and someone happens to unsubscribe then the prototype of Leonidas I come like a glove, I will be so mouthy and I will "pal hair."
Eah! be bad is more fun.


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