Thursday, February 25, 2010

Robert Stanley Nativity


How awful. That is what inevitably thought when reading the news that the probe Camps EURET has only 905 in your account (and another shared with his wife, 1389), we finished!

If we'd known ... if we had not known before accused him of not paying the suits, if they did not by desire, but because I could not! What money would pay if you do not even come to a lowered in cortinglés ?
Now, now is when breast Camps should take before all of you acusábamos lined with straps and finger pointing ... but if you only have 905 euros in the account! Or were all wrong or the poor have been fooled and gave him very, very little to look elsewhere.
La sociedad está tan conmocionada, que un famoso y archiconocido canal de televisión cuyo nombre no puedo decir (no, no es canal9 que con sus propios problemas ya tienen suficiente, pero daré una pista: porelculotelahinco ) va a hacer una gala benéfica para recaudar dinero para Paquito. Porque lo que no puede ser es que el President de la Comunitat vista con trajes prestados porque no tiene ni para comprárselos.

Con el lema todos somos paquito puestomadostazas ha querido unirse y solidarizarse con él, y desde aquí hacemos (hago) un llamamiento para send you all a good sausage sandwich every day for the poor, at least, not to spend on meals, and save a little.

Oh no, wait, I think he was paid meals.
Well, better (the sausage is very expensive) Let's send them all a Bonometro-o-bus pass so you can move so that does not involve any expenditure.

Oh. If, as official vehicles ....
Well, it does not matter! Let's send a message of support, WE ALL CAMPS because we all have less than a thousand euros in our bank account-some have a bit more than him. And of course back to vote for him, that after all that bad does not listen, and needs a place to live. He has been honest with us, have confidence in our intelligence by giving us more austere data around the chamber. We have not insulted, as it could have given some facts that were grossly false. No, he has always gone ahead.
Well, as to the costs incurred, his small apartment, the case Gürtel, costumes, and loquenosesabe , that, that is nonsense. Anyone in his situation would do the same, who would not steal to eat?
That's it.


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