Saturday, December 6, 2008

Foundation For Freckels

Caja Rural Building 1978 Constitution

Preamble. Preliminary Title
. Arts. 1 to 9.
Title I. Of fundamental rights and duties . Arts. 10 to 55.
- Chapter I. Of English and foreign . Arts. 11 to 13.
- Chapter II. rights and freedoms. Arts. 14 to 52.
Section I. Fundamental rights and civil liberties Arts. 15 to 29.
Section II. Rights and duties Arts citizens. 30 to 38.
- Chapter III: Guiding principles of social and economic policy . Arts. 39 to 52.
- Chapter IV: Guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms . Arts. 53 to 54.
- Chapter V: Suspension of rights and freedoms . Section 55.
Title II. Crown. Arts. 56 to 65.
Title III. the Cortes Generales. Arts. 66 to 96.
- Chapter I. Chambers. Arts. 66 to 80.
- Chapter II. Drafting of laws Arts. 81 to 92.
- Chapter III. Of Treaties International. Arts. 93 to 96.
Title IV. Government and Administration . Arts. 97 to 107.
Title V. Relations between the Government and the Parliament . Arts. 108 to 116.
Title VI. Judicial Branch. Arts. 117 to 127.
Title VII. Treasury. Arts. 128 to 136.
Title VIII. Territorial Organization State. Arts. 137 to 158.
- Chapter I. general principles. Arts. 137 to 139.
- Chapter II. Local Government . Arts. 140 to 142.
- Chapter III. Autonomous Communities . Arts. 143 to 158.
Title IX. Constitutional Court. Arts. 159 to 165.
Title X. constitutional reform. Arts. 166 to 169.
Additional Provisions. 4 Disp. Transitory Provisions
. 9 Av. Repeal
. Disp. unique. Disposal
. Disp. unique.


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