Tuesday, December 30, 2008

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Columbus Building

Former Columbus hotel, designed by architect John Montserrat and Vergés in 1905. Today is known for building Cortefiel, for hosting their bass that store.

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cental bank created by the architect Angel Casas in 1914, a decade after the Colon hotel. The influence of Paris is so evident in this building that even its design is original copy of a project built in Paris in the late nineteenth century to host the New York Water Company and had been awarded in 1899 in the annual contest facades combocaba the municipality of Paris. Angel Homes raised him to the antiquarian Enrique Linares Garcia, encargansose the interior decoration Torres Rada.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Foundation For Freckels

Caja Rural Building 1978 Constitution

Preamble. Preliminary Title
. Arts. 1 to 9.
Title I. Of fundamental rights and duties . Arts. 10 to 55.
- Chapter I. Of English and foreign . Arts. 11 to 13.
- Chapter II. rights and freedoms. Arts. 14 to 52.
Section I. Fundamental rights and civil liberties Arts. 15 to 29.
Section II. Rights and duties Arts citizens. 30 to 38.
- Chapter III: Guiding principles of social and economic policy . Arts. 39 to 52.
- Chapter IV: Guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms . Arts. 53 to 54.
- Chapter V: Suspension of rights and freedoms . Section 55.
Title II. Crown. Arts. 56 to 65.
Title III. the Cortes Generales. Arts. 66 to 96.
- Chapter I. Chambers. Arts. 66 to 80.
- Chapter II. Drafting of laws Arts. 81 to 92.
- Chapter III. Of Treaties International. Arts. 93 to 96.
Title IV. Government and Administration . Arts. 97 to 107.
Title V. Relations between the Government and the Parliament . Arts. 108 to 116.
Title VI. Judicial Branch. Arts. 117 to 127.
Title VII. Treasury. Arts. 128 to 136.
Title VIII. Territorial Organization State. Arts. 137 to 158.
- Chapter I. general principles. Arts. 137 to 139.
- Chapter II. Local Government . Arts. 140 to 142.
- Chapter III. Autonomous Communities . Arts. 143 to 158.
Title IX. Constitutional Court. Arts. 159 to 165.
Title X. constitutional reform. Arts. 166 to 169.
Additional Provisions. 4 Disp. Transitory Provisions
. 9 Av. Repeal
. Disp. unique. Disposal
. Disp. unique.

Friday, December 5, 2008

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Isabel la Catolica (III)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hygienist Personal Statement

Isabel la Catolica (II)

Some details of this magnificent monument dedicated Santa Isabel and Christopher Columbus.
Plaza de Colón (Granada)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Woolite For He Washers Walmart

Isabel la Catolica (I)

The statue in the square represents the Queen Elizabeth granting permission to Columbus to get the boats and supplies.
The statue was built in Rome in 1892 by Mariano Benlliure previously was located on the Paseo del Salon.