Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stuff On Side Of Clitoris

Manipulation or "conspiroparanoias?

What information overload is killing us (well, we think, or what we think at least) is something that many already know, "or we imagined, but how far we have come without realizing it?
Today, I have found navigating this video

It Burgensmeister journalist Jane explains that he is being persecuted for having disseminated and WHO sued a year ago, for having "contaminated material sent to develop vaccines that could have been the cause of a pandemic. " Although it may sound more or less Conspiranoids whole story, tomorrow they will judge it, yes, tomorrow, though I doubt we see the news of this on television / radio / mainstream press.
also know-now-or at least suspect, that all of the influenza B , say, the H1N1 was not just a big drug companies lie to collect their share.
Although this woman says that vaccines are only good for the pharmaceutical are lined not more, but they can "control our emotions," is the less disturbing that now the judge will then to be one of the first to uncover the tricks of these people.
"Now that there is verifiable evidence, unequivocal government prosecutors and state criminal charges Austrians are fabricated to provide a pretext to stop and stop me, I will introduce to the European Court of Human Rights.
Under Article 6 of the Convention on Human Rights, all Europeans have the right to a fair and proper judicial process, and this is being denied to me. The Austrian state prosecutor for corruption Katja ltter Wallenschewski sent to the saying that criminal charges by Lohmann and Christine Heiner Cote had been filed. But Heiner Lohmann has since signed a letter declaring that he had never filed criminal charges in Austria. He had only a general objection letter issued by a letter from Christine Cote praising my contribution in people's eyes start to the thymus of swine flu.

Faking the criminal charges, prosecutors waited to bury my own expenses to treat evidence file manipulation and false accusations. They also expects to make a dangerous conspiracy theorist. "

Esto es parte de lo que ecribe en su blog (sí, la traducción es pésima, pero es la que había y se entiende -¿másomenos?-).
Mañana juzgarán si tienen que ponerla bajo tutela. ¿Y por qué tutela? en muchos blogs mencionan la táctica de la incapacitación civil , y nombran entre otras, la ley UE 8750/10. Aunque, la he buscado en el portal de eur-lex y nada (si alguien sabe más, que hable).

Sin embargo, esto es solo un lamentable ejemplo de lo que está sucediendo ahí fuera. A ella la van a juzgar ¿e incapacitar?, a muchos otros periodistas que intentan decir la verdad simplemente les despiden.

already know that we are deceived and manipulated using fear. There are also theories of S11 out there, and the mother of all theories, the new world order and its future action, controlled genocide.

But you do not get into those matters, nor read a book by Schiller in communication myths explaining the operation, you need both to see which threads are there. We have them in a single click of the remote control, a few steps in the nearest subway or at a euro on the newsstands, and yes, also in the network.

Examples? Many, from the current argument that the prohibition of the bulls is only one anti-English movement promoted by the separatists Poles, say, Catalan, to the classic "but if they are only a few outfits!" Through "the crisis is every bit of guilt government "by" Chavez is not only a digaloquediga esquizofrénicoparanoico, "or the even more classic American Dream (Hollywood rules).

Others are more subtle on the news to see how dedicated 9 ½ minutes to explain how he stopped a woman as she crossed the pedestrian crossing and how bad it is going on since then, or who shot her husband who, quiénysuhija summer where, which player is the mástopeguayporquesí, or what predicts animal nosequé nosecuál result anesthetized mass spectacle, instead of telling what the hell is going on out there.

Manipulating? Where? Nonsense, better put on TV that they save me / play the valence, Cone.